New Years - the other one
2004-01-01 - 10:08 p.m.

This is not going to be a New Year�s entry full of new resolutions and hashing out the past year. I do that on my religious New Years. So go back to the Halloween entry if you are really interested. This entry is about the boyfriend, TBND.

I wrote an entry here on the 19th of December that at first I really regretted. Really regretted. Due to my fumbling nature and our grandiose miscommunications it caused TBND to leave. For real. And the moment that I realized he was gone I fell to my knees crying my eyes out�.completely torn in half. It took a long afternoon of talking and adjusting to help us both see eye to eye and it has taken me this long to write about it. For his sake, and because I love him, I am not going into all the scummy details. I am just going to say that yes, miscommunication can lead to complete and total destruction of something wonderful. It can lead to misconception and assumption and it also can lead to horrible moments. I am still thankful that he and I were able to talk and find �us� again and I think that I can safely say that we are both better than we ever were before.

I learned that there are something vastly different about us and enough things that are similar to keep us together. I know that opposites attract and that is one of the special things about us. We come from completely different family and places but we can both adjust to each other. I forgot that people do need some time apart and it is only over time that complete togetherness grows. I am used to people who are so needy of me and that I have to �parent� them, that his independence and strength is hard for me to even understand some days. Though I love him for it � very very much.

I am sorry that I took him home to my family for Christmas. It was awful � and I know that. It is a lot harder to see the problems with your own family � until you see someone else�s family. We are from two different worlds � but thankfully I am not like my family and I do not have to completely overcome them in order to enjoy and like him and his family.

Last night we decided to stay in for New Year�s Eve. We watched some anime and some other video and drank screwdrivers. It was great. We also had some rip-roaring sex�and that was truly wonderful. I don�t think we got to sleep till after 2:30am. This morning we both slept in till 10:00 and even then squeezed in, not one, but two morning quickies! WoooHooo! TBND�then took me (and Skeeter) out to breakfast and it was really nice to be out with him. I was starting to not feel so good so when we got back home, he told me to take a nap. As I was sleeping on the couch, he actually unpacked my stuff and the kids stuff from our Christmas trip home and put it all away. He also sorted ALL the laundry and had it all set up to get put away. He cleaned up the bedroom and took care of Skeeter. After I woke up he helped me sort the kid�s toys and do a bunch of other things.

He is the greatest.

I can�t help but feel this way about him. I love him � more than anyone that has been in my life ever before. I adore his family. I know this is all a little sappy but some days � his caring and love just shines out to me and I can�t help but react to it. I want be with him.

Okay � enough girly stuff. :-) I have a reputation to keep up here.

I also think that somewhere along the line I have caught some version of the death flu. I am not really really really sick. Just feel crappy. I have a cough. I have a sore throat. I have bad sinus issues and I KNOW that is it not my allergies. I am tired and achy and feel like BLAH.

This is only because I have work to do� school work and I know it.

Oh, well. Time to work through the headache and the stiffness. Time to just go for it. Right? I think that�s right. Oh, blah. I don�t know. I think I should go to bed. Yeah. That�s it� go to bed.


Good Night� faithful readers.

�and Happy New Year.

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