More on me
2003-06-20 - 1:02 p.m.

This is who I am

1) I love to eat- though sometimes I feel guilty about it

2) I am moody � trust me on this one.

3) I love to listen to music but I am a total lyric snob � it has to mean something to be good music to my ears.

4) I love movies though I will not watch a horrible one just for the sake of keeping the tv on

5) I wish I was doing something important with my life

6) I love long, hot, bubble baths for no reason at all

7) I actually like to clean because it is SO nice to have a clean house

8) I let my kids make a total mess of the bathroom when they play in there � what the heck it is only water.

9) I enjoy reading many different genre

10) I have started to really enjoy talking on the phone � it has become a guilty pleasure.

11) I get headaches everyday at 2:30 pm� I think it is low blood sugar.

12) Recently I have forgotten to eat dinner 8 times in the last 14 days. � Maybe I am a bit distracted.

13) I love making the bed � covers all in order and looking nice. Makes going to bed even more comfy.

14) I rely on comfort to dictate a lot of my life

15) I love the fact that P.J. my eldest son thinks he is a superhero� remind me so much of my brother when he was little

16) I melt every time P.J. tells me, �Mom, I am YOUR hero � I will save you.�

17) I want my kids to be kids and to enjoy their childhood.

18) I am afraid of the dark and being home alone � I check things three times before I allow myself to sleep.

19) I kiss my kids every night in their sleep � at least three times and I tell them I love them each time.

20) I love hot tea � flavored or plain

21) I am a sucker for white chocolate

22) I love getting flowers � I think the last time I was given flowers I actually cried. Those times are few and far between.

23) I am becoming my mother � slowly. Though I do not think that I have inherited a lot of her bad habits.

24) I still wonder about my birth parents but I also wonder what right I have to know about them and how much does it matter

25) I have an overwhelming desire to give to people � my recent thoughts have been to either infertility donation (eggs) or even becoming a surrogate mother (both of these has been disregarded in the past due to my soon-to-be-ex husband) I feel so blessed by my boys that I want to help others.

26) I was raised to think that I could do anything I wanted in life � but I have never really believed it until TBND came along and showed such faith in me

27) I have �ugly-duckling� syndrome

28) I realize now that being adopted has played a big part in my psyche � and yes I did have a loving family.

29) I don�t really hate any foods� though I have to be in mood to eat certain things.

30) I have been described many times as a �cold person�

31) I worry.

32) No, I REALLY worry about everything from bugs to fire to rabid pit bulls.

33) I am a completely organized scatterbrain

34) I love shopping though I usually feel to guilty to buy things I want

35) I have been poor and I have been middle class � now I want to be rich.

36) I am not sure I will ever get married again.

37) If I do � I want to do it completely different; with an engagement story I can tell everyone, with a service that means something to me, with a beautiful reception that is in my styles and of course with a man who truly is my soul mate.

38) More kids� I don�t think so but one never knows what one can be convinced of while in a long term loving relationship. I keep having dreams of a little girl named Helena�. Hmmm. Not yet for sure.

39) I fear that people will judge me because I have tattoos and two kids by two different men� This is a strong fear � I worry about meeting new people under theses circumstances.

40) I am nervous around people I do not know well because I am afraid that I will embarrass myself some how.

41) I love jewelry but I really never wear it� I kinds like to collect it.

42) I collect glasses � eye glasses.

43) I also collect dolls � though that collection is still at my parents house, thankfully

44) I am afraid that my boys might have a harder time in life just because I am their mom.

45) I love summer. Warm weather and sunshine give me a great high.

46) I am a total sucker for Happy Meals � toy and all.

47) I have two scars on my body that I have covered over with tattoos in hopes of replacing the horrible memories that caused the scars.

48) I have a weak spot for really cute stuffed animals� though I don�t usually admit it.

49) Dragons are my favorite animals � so are kittens.

50) I am done.

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