Busy Weekend
2004-03-22 - 1:05 p.m.

What a weekend! It sure was a busy but rewarding one. On Friday I spent most of the afternoon with kate-kat both going to a movie and some light shopping. Then J and I had to drive PJ to see his dad � we only drive half way and meet at a McDonalds. I love driving in the car with J because we talk a lot and it is very interesting and fun! Then I managed to see kate-kat again for some scraping at my place.

Saturday was errand day at my house. J and I slept in late � because Skeeter let us, and then we started shopping for the day. The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning and getting ready for the night. Our sitter came over because J and I had his Christmas Party for work (yes, I know it is March but I did not plan it!!!) It was at the Mariner Inn and it was incredible. Open bar � and we sure took advantage of that, appetizers to die for and then dinner. I had their Shrimp Trio and J went with the Walleye and it was SO SO SO good. We even got dessert (I had the key lime pie � my fav.) Some of the gang decided to go out to a wine bar afterwards but I was only barely sober enough to drive and J was at his edge so we decided to go home and have an early night (10:30pm�. But it was worth it)

Sunday AM � got up nice and late (almost 10am) and drove to La Crosse to see my �other� family � Sean, Moira, Kissi Tori and her new baby. It was a beautiful day to go driving and the time was well spent talking with J. Tori�s new baby is only 5 weeks old and only weighs about 8lbs�. It was so weird holding her since my boys were already 10lbs when they came out. She (Jordan) is such a good baby and very much into being held. I spent most of the day with her. I feed her and cuddled her and then she fell asleep on my chest. I miss having babies, but trust me I don�t want anymore. It is hard to even realize how helpless they are � especially in comparison to my toddlers. I can�t wait for more of my friends to have kids though� let me log my �baby hours.� Tori enjoyed the break for the day as I stole Jordan from her. Kissi and I planned out her summer � since she will be staying with me for the whole time she is not at summer camp. I can�t wait to have her here with me. We are going to have a lot of fun.

All in all it was a good weekend. I was in a little bit of a snit on Thursday night. I was having a bitter moment in regards to freedom differences between the boys� father and myself. I do miss the ability to �do whatever I want, whenever I want.� I miss the ability to go out with out having to shell out $$$. It does make me a little bitter and a little angry but I also realize that I am a busy person (by choice with school and work) and in truth, I NEED to be home most night to be able to do what I am doing and with them only having 9-5 jobs with no outside work it is okay that they are going out and getting out. I still get a little resentful but then I remember that if I ask, J would be more than happy to watch the boys so I could get out. Must remember that there are other options than anger.

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